
How To Bandage A Toe Wound

No matter how careful y'all effort to exist as you lot go through life, modest cuts, scrapes, bruises and sometimes even more serious wounds do happen. When the injury occurs on your feet, heels or ankles, information technology tin exist especially painful and hard to heal. That'due south why proper care and treatment for a pes wound from the very moment it occurs is very important to ensure proper healing.

John Viscovich, DPM, MBA, FACFAS

As a podiatrist with Westchester Health, I've noticed over the years that many people lack a practiced working knowledge of how to care for wounds that need immediate attention merely are not serious plenty to warrant a trip to the emergency room. To help rectify that, I've put together some guidelines that explain what to do in instance y'all do sustain an injury to the pes, talocrural joint or lower leg.

ix commencement aid tips for proper wound care

First and foremost, before treating whatsoever kind of wound or burn, WASH YOUR Easily. In addition, wearable dispensable protective gloves, if possible.

Next, follow these 9 tips to avoid infection and promote healing.

ane. A little blood is skilful

Blood helps make clean a wound, so a trivial bleeding is actually beneficial. Most small cuts and scrapes terminate haemorrhage fairly quickly on their own, but you can assist the process by applying firm, gentle pressure to the site with a sterile gauze, towel or tissue. If blood soaks through the wrapping, add some other layer of gauze or tissue on top. Practise not remove the original dressing or y'all may pull open the wound and start the bleeding again.

2. Clean wounds right abroad

For any cutting or scrape, the first thing to do is clean the wound with cool water. Remove any gravel or splinters with booze-sterilized tweezers. Gently wash effectually the wound with soap and a washcloth. Do not use iodine, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide— just soap and water.

3. Apply antibiotic foam

Antibiotic creams and ointments not only keep wounds moist only they tin also reduce the take chances of infection. Apply a thin layer on the wound, simply if a rash develops, discontinue employ.

four. Encompass with a bandage

If your wound volition be rubbed by clothing or shoes, comprehend information technology with a cast. An uncovered cut or scrape is at risk of reopening or developing an infection. What often works best is to cover the wound with gauze, and then wrap a fabric cast over and around that to forbid leaner from coming in contact with the wound. Change the bandage daily.

5. Watch for signs of adhesive or latex allergy

If you feel itchiness or burning nether your bandage, you may have an allergy to the adhesive used in some bandages. If this happens, endeavour switching to sterile gauze and paper tape or an adhesive-complimentary dressing.

6. Healing begins almost immediately

Almost every bit soon as you sustain a wound injury, your torso begins the healing process. White claret cells attack infection-causing bacteria. Platelets, blood-red blood cells and fibrin create a jelly-similar clot over the wound, enabling a protective scab to form.

7. Treating modest burns

The best treatment for a minor burn is to cool the area right away with a cold material or absurd water to go along the peel from retaining the heat and standing to burn. After cooling it to end the called-for process, wash the burned area with soap and water and wearing apparel information technology lightly. Leave blisters lone and practise not pop them; they aid protect the peel every bit information technology heals.

eight. Look for signs of infection

If redness spreads out from the injury site, if there is swelling, if light-green or xanthous fluid is emerging from the wound, or if the area around the wound is warm or tender, you may have an infection. Other signs include trunk aches, chills, fever and/or swollen lymph nodes at your neck, armpit or groin. If you lot have any of these symptoms, phone call your doctor right away.

9. See a doc right abroad if your wound:

  • won't stop bleeding subsequently 5-10 minutes of pressure
  • is deeper or longer than a half-inch
  • is near the eye
  • is gaping or ragged
  • was caused by something dirty or rusty
  • has dirt or gravel stuck in it
  • is very painful
  • shows signs of infection
  • was caused past an animal or man bite
  • includes a broken or fractured bone
  • if you aren't sure if you lot're upward to date on your tetanus vaccine

Commencement aid tools anybody should take

Since you never know when you or something around you will sustain a minor or major injury, information technology's a skillful idea to go on these showtime aid items handy:

  • tweezers
  • hydrocortisone cream
  • hand sanitizer
  • sterile gloves
  • pain relievers
  • gauze and tape
  • antiseptic wipes
  • antibiotic cream
  • antihistamines for allergic reactions

If you lot've been injured and are concerned about the wound

If you've sustained a cut, scrape or something more serious and want to know if it's healing correctly, or accept any concerns near your feet, please phone call (914) 232-1919 to make an engagement to come encounter me at one of my Westchester Health offices. I'll examine the wound, evaluate the overall condition of your anxiety, and together with you, make up one's mind the best course of treatment to bring about proper healing.Whenever, wherever you need us, we're hither for you.

By John Viscovich, DPM, MBA, FACFAS,  board certified podiatrist with Westchester Health, member of Northwell Health Md Partners


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